We’ve heard of nuns on the run. But never of a nun on the child birth table. Until now. A Salvadorean member of the cloth told reporters she had no clue she was pregnant late last week after she felt cramps in her stomach, summoned an ambulance… and then gave birth a few hours later. The 31-year old unknowingly welcomed a nine-pound boy into the world on Wednesday and named him Francis, after the Pope . “I did not know I was pregnant. I only felt a stomach pain,” the nun said not long afterward, according to the Italian news agency ANSA. The nun belongs to the “Little Disciples of Jesus” convent in Campomoro, Italy which manages an elderly people’s home. She will reportedly keep the baby, as other new mothers in the local hospital have started to collect clothes and donations for her. No word yet from anyone at the hospital, but the new mother’s fellow nuns were apparently “very surprised” over the news. Yeah. We would assume so.
See the rest here:
Pregnant Nun Shocks Italy with Birth, Had No Idea She Was Expecting