We’ve heard of nuns on the run. But never of a nun on the child birth table. Until now. A Salvadorean member of the cloth told reporters she had no clue she was pregnant late last week after she felt cramps in her stomach, summoned an ambulance… and then gave birth a few hours later. The 31-year old unknowingly welcomed a nine-pound boy into the world on Wednesday and named him Francis, after the Pope . “I did not know I was pregnant. I only felt a stomach pain,” the nun said not long afterward, according to the Italian news agency ANSA. The nun belongs to the “Little Disciples of Jesus” convent in Campomoro, Italy which manages an elderly people’s home. She will reportedly keep the baby, as other new mothers in the local hospital have started to collect clothes and donations for her. No word yet from anyone at the hospital, but the new mother’s fellow nuns were apparently “very surprised” over the news. Yeah. We would assume so.
There are bikini photos, and there is perfection that is Kate Upton. Kate first took over the world covering SI’s annual swimsuit issue in 2012, posing, giggling, Dougie-ing and Cat Daddy-ing into our hearts ever since. There are things online, and in life, that are overrated. Kate Upton modeling/dancing in bikinis is not among them. Like Richard Sherman , she is simply the best. A mere slideshow does not do her justice. We’ve put together a GIF slideshow, demonstrating the natural beauty in all her perpetually moving glory, below. You can thank us later, THGers. We, in turn, would like to thank Sports Illustrated, genetics, and the Internet. Click below to get started … and kiss your day goodbye: 13 Hottest Kate Upton GIFs Open Slideshow 1. Kate Upton Bikini GIF Kate Upton in a bikini. In GIF form. What’s not to love? View As List 1. Kate Upton Bikini GIF Kate Upton in a bikini. In GIF form. What’s not to love? 2. Kate Upton Nude GIF Kate Upton is nude and twirling around on endless loop in the greatest GIF ever seen by humankind. 3. Kate Upton Body Paint GIF A GIF file of Kate Upton in a body paint bikin and that’s it. Goodness. 4. Kate Upton Stripping Kate Upton strips in the hottest GIF of all time. Or one of them anyway. 5. Kate Upton Dance GIF Kate Upton dances in one of our all-time favorite GIFs. 6. Kate Upton Bikini Montage An amazing Kate Upton bikini montage in GIF form. Guys, you’re welcome. We try. 7. Kate Upton Cat Daddy Kate Upton doing the Cat Daddy. One of the best moments in the history of the Internet now in GIF form! 8. Kate Upton Twerking Kate Upton Twerking up a storm. It is what it is, people. Enjoy it. Relish it. 9. Kate Upton Takes Off Shirt Kate Upton taking off her shirt seductively. Great GIF, we’d say. 10. Kate Upton GIF This Kate Upton GIF is possibly the best thing ever created by the Internet. 11. Kate Upton Dougie Kate Upton does the Dougie. The dance that started it all … or something. 12. Kate Upton Cat Daddy Dancing (Slow Motion) Kate Upton does the Cat Daddy. This time in GIF form. 13. Kate Upton Bunny Kate Upton is a bunny in one of the greatest GIFs ever produced by the Internet.