President Obama Sings "Let’s Stay Together" For Al Green

President Barack Obama is probably not going to quit his day job (at least not for another year), but he did make a brief foray into R&B at a fundraiser last night. The Commander-in-Chief burst into song while thanking Al Green, who had performed earlier at the same event, crooning a bar from “Let’s Stay Together” Obama then joked he hadn’t been ushered off-stage. Watch: Obama Sings Al Green It all happened at Manhattan’s Apollo Theater late Thursday, when Obama stepped to the podium and veered from prepared remarks to thank Green. Apparently not content to simply praise Green, Obama launched into “Let’s Stay Together,” warbling “I, so in love with you” … complete with vibrato. He stopped to laughter and applause, remarked that his staff didn’t believe he’d do it, and that the Sandman hadn’t come out to yank him outta there. That would be Sandman Sims, a famous tap dancer who chased unpopular acts off-stage at the Apollo for decades. Sort of a Keyboard Cat predecessor.

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President Obama Sings "Let’s Stay Together" For Al Green

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