Prince Jackson Pens Moving Tribute to Late Grandfather Joe Jackson

This week, Joe Jackson passed away after a battle with cancer. The man was American Royalty and created a multi-generational dynasty. Paris Jackson posted a heartfelt farewell message to her late grandfather, speaking of her cherished memories of him. And her brother, Prince Jackson, is doing the same. Take a look: Prince shared an image of him with his grandfather. In his captions, he wrote a tribute to his dearly departed loved one. “This man is and always will be an example of sheer willpower and dedication,” Prince begins. That is indisputable, even to Joe’s critics. Prince continues, writing: “He didn’t choose the path that was the easiest.” That’s true. Prince acknowledges that it was a lot of work, “but he choose the path that was best for his family.” Prince then addresses his late grandfather directly. “You taught me to take pride in the Jackson name,” Prince writes. “And what it really means.” It’s a big deal. Prince continues, saying: “You taught me dedication in the face of adversity.” There will always be people who want to tear down the Jackson family. That’s sad. “And most of all,” Prince writes. “You showed me strength and fearlessness.” Prince continues his moving message honoring his late grandfather. “There is and never will be someone like you,” Prince says. Some people really are one-of-a-kind. “Fly free,” Prince instructs him. Then he ends his message. “Until we meet again,” Prince says, adding his grandfather’s nickname: “The Hawk.” Not everyone is fortunate enough to have a close and loving relationship with their grandparents. Some people live too far away from them for it to be economically viable for them to spend much time with them. Some truly unlucky soles have awful grandparents whose parents wisely have little to do with them. Others tragically lose their grandparents in early childhood. To know and love your grandparents as Prince and his siblings have isn’t just a joy — it’s a real privilege. And, let’s be honest: few grandparents can leave such a powerful and lucrative legacy as Joe has left for the Jackson Dynasty. Joe Jackson was no doubt a complicated man in life, and his battle with cancer and his death does not change that. But it is certainly every grandchild’s right to mourn the grandparent they knew and loved in peace. Paris, Prince, and all of their siblings and cousins should be allowed to mourn and grieve without people harassing them directly about their grandfather’s life. There are, unfortunately, still people who try to provoke a response by bringing up allegations against Michael Jackson to his children. They’re the children of this family. Let them have their peace. View Slideshow: Celebrities Who Died in 2018: In Memoriam

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Prince Jackson Pens Moving Tribute to Late Grandfather Joe Jackson

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