Pugs Dress as Game of Thrones Characters: Hilarity is Coming!

We’ve seen many unusual characters over the years on Game of Thrones, from frozen members of the undead to giants storming the Night’s Watch. But we’ve never seen tiny adorable dogs dressed like Game of Thrones characters… until now! Streaming service Blinkbox has teamed with owners Phillip and Sue Lauer to feature their three pets (Roxy, Blue and Bono) as The Pugs of Westeros. And the results are as impressive as they are hilarious! There’s pug Tyrion Lannister sitting under his family’s crest; and pug Daeneys Targaryen surrounded by her dragons; and even pug Varys, donning his familiar robe and wearing his familiar expression. Forget winter. Hilarity is coming, GoT fans! Prepare for cute battle check out the pictures now: Dogs Dress Like Game of Thrones Characters 1. Robb Stark, Ned Stark and Jon Snow Only one of these three characters is alive on the show, but let’s avoid telling that to the pugs.

Pugs Dress as Game of Thrones Characters: Hilarity is Coming!

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