NBA Hall of Fame member Scottie Pippen has been cleared in the incident this summer in which he got into a fight with an overzealous fan in Malibu. Scottie Pippen Knocks Out Fan The 47-year-old Pippen mixed it up with autograph seeker who authorities say was drunk and exaggerated his injuries including faking seizures. Thus, the L.A. County district attorney’s office said there was insufficient evidence to bring assault charges against Pippen for the altercation. Camran Shafighi approached him at Nobu, a sushi restaurant and celebrity hangout on the beach in Malibu, back on June 24, reports indicate. Pippen obliged to have a photo taken with Shafighi, but the man followed the basketball great to the parking lot badgering him for an autograph as well. Pippen said no, at which point told Shafighi became irate, “grabbing at him, cursing him and then spit in his face,” according to a report by the D.A. Shafighi, 49, claimed Pippen punched him in the mouth and kicked him several times, causing him to lose consciousness with a kick to the face. Pippen admitted spitting at Shafighi and pushing him away, but prosecutors said it was unclear if Pippen was the aggressor or acted in self-defense. Shafighi, who has also filed a $4 million lawsuit against Pippen, was taken to a hospital with a concussion … he claims. That is highly debatable. All tests showed there wasn’t any internal trauma, but Shafighi went to the hospital later and said he had been diagnosed with fractured ribs and ankle. The only visible physical injuries were a small bruise on Shafighi’s chin and a cut to his lip, and then there’s the fact that the guy was WASTED. Shafighi, whose blood sample turned up positive for opiates and a 0.18 percent blood-alcohol level, also feigned having seizures to prove his “case.” The seizures ended when the doctor ordered him to stop them.
Read more from the original source:
Scottie Pippen: Off the Hook For Malibu Beatdown