Taylor Lautner in GQ: Yummy!

In a recent interview, Robert Pattinson joked that he wants a better body than Taylor Lautner. Based on a new photo of the latter in GQ , though, it’s no laughing matter when we say: dream on, Rob! We mean… seriously. But you can take comfort in this, R. Patt: few men on the planet have a better body that Taylor: In the July issue of this magazine, Lautner expresses shock over his rise to fame (on the Oscars: “You’re looking down and you’re talking to George Clooney, Leonardo DiCaprio – and they’re listening to you!”), while also saying not much is different away from the cameras: “The thing I love is that my home life hasn’t changed. I still help out with the garbage. I still help out with the lawn.” Since Twilight hit it big, Lautner has signed on for a bunch of new films, such as Abduction . But he says he tries not to get caught up in anything but the work itself. “If I start thinking, Is this movie going to open? Is this movie going to do well? I’m not focusing on the job. The job is to make a good movie.” Anyway, we know what you’re thinking: enough reading. On with the ogling! Drool over new photos of Taylor in GQ below…

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Taylor Lautner in GQ: Yummy!

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