The Bachelorette Recap: Back the Eff Off, Luke!

In a word? ROAR! Hannah Brown went ahead and activated Beast Mode on this week’s emotionally-charged episode of The Bachelorette. She also went to the emergency room… But we’ll start with Hannah’s one-on-one date with Connor S., which opened with the suitor believing himself to be the “luckiest guy in the world.” That is, until he received a note from The Bachelorette star that read: “Connor, I’m so sorry but I have to cancel my plans for our date today. I’m not feeling 100 percent. Please come over to my hotel suite to keep me company. Love, Hannah.” Was this just an excuse by Hannah to get Connor alone and strip him naked?!?!? No. After stopping at the grocery store to grab flowers and soup, Connor arrived at Hannah’s hotel to discovered that she had spent time in the hospital after she “basically passed out” and “got pumped with some fluids.” Any fantasies he had about their date came to an end right then and there. The pair did hang out in bed together a bit, however, allowing Connor to reveal that his mother got into a skiing accident when he was 13 and had a subsequent stroke. Seeing how his dad cared for his mom during this awful time gave Connor a model of the marriage he hopes to have one day. It was a powerful story. “That’s really what I aspire to have and the love that I want,” he told Hannah. After sending Connor home so she could rest, Hannah awoke to discover some very romantic sticky notes he had sent here. She then had him called back into her presence, where she gave him a rose (and a kiss!) and the two enjoyed a private performance by Lukas Graham. Luke P., as you might imagine, was a bit crazed curious about Hannah’s condition. The Bachelorette villain/front-runner peppered Connor with questions about her prior to this week’s group date, which involved a group date photo shoot inspired by Hannah’s love for dogs. This time, however, his aggressive did not pay off. “Luke P. stole the show again but in a negative way,” Hannah said in an on-camera interview abou Luke walking her to her dressing room. “I know he’s one of my strongest connections, but it’s annoying when he tries to flaunt our connection in front of the guys. There have been just some little red flags about how he carries himself that bothers me a little bit. “‘It’s like this fine line of: I really think it’s attractive to it’s the most unattractive thing that I’ve ever seen in my life.” A bunch of famous viewers out there have been telling Hannah it should be the latter. Like we said above, though, Hannah is not timid. She can be quite aggressive herself — and she confronted Luke this week’s about his behavior. “I’ve been struggling a little bit with it because I feel like you already think that it’s promised to you and that bothers me a lot,” she said. “And like, I feel like your confidence in this kind of makes me irritated in a way. … I want you to like focus on me and you do that, but you also don’t respect that I do have other relationships here for me and that bothers me. “I like confidence but it’s like cocky in a way. I don’t like that at all. I want it to change.” Did Luke listen closely and take this advice to heart? NOPE! “I’m going to act like the conversation never happened.,” he told the camera. Therefore, he kept interrupting Hannah’s moments with other men… and kept earning her wrath in the process. “I promise I’m going to talk you again but I don’t want to do this right now,” Hannah said when Luke P. made an effort to snag her once more, adding: “Let me talk to everybody, but like I want to call my own shots, okay? I want to call my own shots. I said I was going to talk to you and I will talk to you again.” View Slideshow: The Bachelorette Spoilers: Check Out Hannah Brown’s Final THREE! [UPDATED] This reaction left Luke very sad. “I can’t stand this process,” he lamented. “Honestly, it’s tough for me. I would like to say I’m a strong guy here and that this is easy, but it’s not. I even had thoughts about leaving here tonight, about going home tonight. “Just because I can’t say that I’m in love with her. I mean, if I did feel that way then I would be ready to get down on one knee.” It’s been three weeks. Dude is starting to legitimately frighten us. Thankfully, he did claim to have gotten the message after Hannah (yet again ) delivered it to him as follows: “I still don’t feel like you’re getting it, okay? You’re not the only relationship that I have a strong connection with and I don’t feel like you’ve respected that even tonight. “So I just need you to work harder and fix this.”” At the end of the date, meanwhile, Hannah gave the group date rose to Peter, with whom she is swapping spit above. During the other group date, on which Jenny Mollen and Jason Biggs offered lessons on female anatomy and having a baby because of course they did… Cam fought for time with Hannah. He did so by constantly breaking into her conversations with the other men, even ovetly standing there while Mike confessed to Hannah that he had gotten an ex pregnant and she lost the baby in the second trimester. Yikes, right? But Cam didn’t care about this hearbreaking story — he had his very own to tell. “If we’re going to talk about bold gestures, I actually had to resign from my job,” Cam told Hannah. “I want you to know that I chose to be here for you and I don’t want to let any other guys get in the way of that.” View Slideshow: The Bachelorette Stars: Where Are They Now? At the tailgate party (which awesomely replaced the cocktail party), Cam pulled Hannah aside and said his piece: “Back in the year 2014 I was getting off work and all of a sudden my right leg locked up on me. “And all of a sudden I was running a fever and they had to rush me to the hospital. Essentially, they told me that I need to get an amputation. So life really tried to beat me down. “The day before I got surgery, I got a call from my dad that my grandma had passed away. The most recent surgery that I had [in] November of 2017 hit me the hardest because I actually had a 10-month-old puppy at the time that I was super close to that I had to re-home.” Sounds terrible, right? Not to Mike. He called total BS on Cam and accused him of angling for a “pity rose.” When Hannah questioned Cam about the validity of his story and his intentions, Cam alleged: “I would never compromise the integrity of what I’ve been through for a pity rose. Like, this is a serious thing.” But he also confessed to writing weird letters to the other suitors because he thought he was gonna be sent home. “This just feels really schemey and slimy to me,” Hannah said in response. “It just feels really, really calculated. I’m having a hard time right now and I need to think about it.” After mulling over her decision, Hannah sent Cam home at the rose ceremony, along with Jonathan and Joey. Tyler G. also “had to leave” earlier, Hannah disclosed mysteriously, although she gave no reason as to why he departed.

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The Bachelorette Recap: Back the Eff Off, Luke!

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