Hitting a new low even for her, Tori Spelling reportedly invited Dean McDermott’s mistress Emily Goodhand to appear on the couple’s reality show True Tori. Having already made Dean’s ex-wife Mary Jo Eustace an important part of the show’s second season, Spelling allegedly reached out to the woman who started it all. Emily Goodhand is the mysterious Canadian mistress who seduced McDermott last winter, then exposed their sordid tryst to Us Weekly and outed him. No one knows what she looks like, although if you watch True Tori online , she allegedly saw a photo of her (viewers didn’t) and thinks she’s uggers. Well, that desperate attempt to generate buzz evidently didn’t cut it for Tori, who upped the ante to see if the “other woman” would come on the show! Dean got wind of this when “one of the crew members of the show confessed that they had been trying to land a deal with Emily to appear,” a source says. The result? Not pretty. “Dean exploded, and he immediately confronted Tori with the information he had just learned,” notes the source, and in typical fashion, she denied it . “At first, Tori pretended not to know anything about the plan, but she then admitted to casually mentioning to producers that it might be good” for closure. True Tori Season 2 Episode 4 Quotes “I gave her a great life. She’s f–king crazy. She’s f–king delusional, now I’m starting to get really mad.” – Dean on ex-wife Mary Jo Eustace Permalink: Dean is Gettin’ Upset! Added: November 12, 2014 1. Dean is Gettin’ Upset! “I gave her a great life. She’s f–king crazy. She’s f–king delusional, now I’m starting to get really mad.” – Dean on ex-wife Mary Jo… After she pitched him on Emily Goodhand coming on, Dean “became so angry that filming for the day had to be canceled because he refused to participate.” Shortly thereafter, Dean McDermott quit the show in an abrupt and bizarrely public move that would make a little more sense if this were the direct catalyst. In any case, “Emily appearing is now off the table,” says the source, which is probably a good thing if these two have any hopes of working things out. Their marriage appears to be on shaky ground, to say the absolute least, and we don’t expect that to change on next week’s True Tori Season 2 Episode 5 . In fact, the way this train wreck of a season is going so far, we’ll be surprised if either of these complete and utter messes, makes it out in one piece. When he quit the show (which means little, as he’s finishing out the second season and there are no plans for a third), Dean admitted he’s been suicidal. Tori has been hospitalized recently as well for a nervous breakdown, making us wonder if the show – or the relationship in general – is bad for them both. At this point we don’t know whether to pity and feel sorry for them, or feel disgusted by them, or somewhere in the middle … but we can’t look away. Watch True Tori Season 2 Episode 5 Online
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Tori Spelling Invites Emily Goodhand to Join True Tori, Dean McDermott FURIOUS!