“Not In My House”: President Obama Tells Transgender Woman To Fall Back When She Heckles Him During White House Speech [Video]

President Obama Scolds White House Heckler President Obama is getting more and more gutter in the twilight of his second term. The POTUS had to put a recent party guest in her place when she repeatedly interrupted his speech on LGBTQ civil issues by a transgender woman who decided it was time for him to switch gears and talk about immigration. Via MailOnline : President Obama shut down a heckler who tried to interrupt him during a speech at the White House Wednesday evening, then had her removed from the room. Obama was half-way through delivering an address about civil rights for lesbian, gay and transsexual Americans at a reception in the presidential mansion Wednesday night when he was interrupted by one of his guests. Jennicet Gutiérrez, a transsexual Mexican woman and campaigner, started yelling at him to close deportation centers until she was escorted out by security. According to the woman who invited Gutiérrez as her plus-one, the heckle was a pre-planned stunt to raise awareness. Gutiérrez shouted out that she was an undocumented immigrant and a trans woman and was ‘tired of the abuse’ she claims immigration officials are carrying out on minorities. Obama tried to ask her to stop, but turned sour when she wouldn’t stop shouting. He said: ‘Hold on a second I – OK, you know what? No no no no no. You’re in my house.’ SMH. What did she think was going to happen? Some folks need too much attention… DailyMail

Originally posted here:
“Not In My House”: President Obama Tells Transgender Woman To Fall Back When She Heckles Him During White House Speech [Video]

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