This Ali Lohan singing video weirds me the fuck out…from start to finish…not because she can or can’t sing, I watched it on mute, because I don’t care to hear her sing…but because there’s really no reason for her to be doing this other than to draw unnecessary attention to herself and make people laugh..which would make me sad if I had a soul…but instead just makes me cringe thinking how unnecessary it was for her to put herself out there in the vicious world… I don’t need to mock her, or laugh, or ridicule her for trying to showcase anything, she’s just a girl with a dream, let her have it… It just makes me sad that her dream wasn’t working in retail or in a corporate job her sister hooks her up with because this is just awful across the board…all porny and uncomfortable..this isn’t going to end well for her…
Originally posted here:
Ali Lohan Sings for Youtube and It Freaks Me Out of the Day