Ashley Graham Fat Topless Tits of the Day

Ashley Graham and her face injected face, brought her monster tits out to get some kind of treatment done to them, because fat chicks, instead of just working out, especially when the whole reason they exist is because they are fat chicks, designed to target the fat chicks of America, means remaining fat chicks, depsite the toll that takes on her monster tits, the only thing good about fat chicks…. She’s part of this terrible movement, not just her bowel movements from all the eating, but a movement that requires little movement, that the media and entertainment and the ad industry is embracing. Body positive. All bodies matter. Despite everything science tells us about obesity being linked to premature death and tons of fucking ailments… There is no way this isn’t diabetic…or pre diabetic…there is just no fucking way…but she doesn’t care, promote chronic illness that can be prevented…cuz it’s getting her paid… Celebrate that celebrity with the monster tits out, because monster tits are fun to show the world, they distract from the monster gut…and are a fetish of their own…one that we can fixate on while ignoring all that is digusting about her and her…keep flashing….but next time show more of the pancake dinner plate sized nipple. Thanks fatty. Here she is lookin like a street HOT DOG wrapped in a garbage bag

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Ashley Graham Fat Topless Tits of the Day

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