I watched the Twilight movie last night…not the new one….just one that was on my friend’s TV and I only did it because his teenage girls were watching it and I love interracting with teens…I feel like we get each other…and more importantly…their dad was feeding me booze. That said, those movies are the biggest pile of smut I’ve experienced in a while….I felt like live blogging the shit, but didn’t want to admit I was watching the shit….but from seeing a vampire get out of a Volvo….to bitch using lines like “if this is about my soul, take it, i don’t want it wihtout you” all shitty acting and offensive to native americans while always hanging in the woods….I was surprised it brainwashed kids and made a billion dollars…not to mention I was surprised it made this bitch relevant….even if looking at her strong legs in shorts is better than looking at a bitch not in shorts…but maybe that’s just cuz I know she got slammed by a Jonas brother….if you know what I mean.
Continued here:
Ashley Greene’s Strong Legs in Shorts of the Day
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