Aubrey O’Day, the shameless self-promoter, who has values and self-worth becasue she hasn’t released a sex tape yet, even though that is the obvious direction her career should take, considering she’s Aubrey O’Day, a nobody who already whores herself out to anyone willing to listen, especially if they are black….while her other option is to do dancing with the stars, but her cardio won’t allow her to be really competitive in that world….did not pos pictures of These Fat Ass Paparazzi Shot Bikini Pics Tha I am Not Allowed to Post Cuz the Paparazzi Hate Me , which was shocking considering that kind of bikini shit is what she lives for cuz all the “likes” give her reason to live and justify her extra large pizza dinner…..but shee did show some of her fat tit, coupled with implan tit, busting out of a shirt while playing with a dog…and that’s a good lead in to her dumpy as fuck ass in a bikini getting out of a pool… TO SEE HER DUMPY AS FUCK ASS IN A BIKINI GETTING OUT OF A POOL…. FOLLOW THIS LINK
Excerpt from:
Aubrey O’Day Fat in Her Bikini of the Day