Tag Archives: bikini-getting

Kourtney Kardashian Degenerate Erotica of the Day

There comes a time in every barn yard animals life when they need to be taken out to pasture and shot… You know used to make soap, or to feed the other farm animals, or really to just put it out of its misery. The problem with Social Media is that it gives these people a lifeline that is far too long for their own good. What would have been the media deciding that after 10 years of Kardashian the world has had enough, allowing them all to die off and be forgotten like normal 40 year old women too old to be inspiring to 18 year olds….is now drag it fucking out because it still makes the family money. They were lucky, timing was right, it all worked out for them… But there’s a level of embarrassing – when the sister who wasn’t even known for being a whore…is posing like a whore for her fans who respond positively to it…instead of saying “get back to being a mom you rich cunt”…. The whole thing so ugly, so gross, but thank god the Plastic Surgeons exist to make them look like gutter porn chicks rather than like their actual age…because if we’re forced to look at dog shit, it best be the best that dog shit can look, you know moulded into some statue or a bust or a pocket pussy of the nicest pussy ready to be fucked…. Garbage. Rich fucking Garbage. That will never go away, at least not until some other app takes out instagram. JOIN THE NEWSLETTER YOU ASSHOLES! The post Kourtney Kardashian Degenerate Erotica of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepFather.com .

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Kourtney Kardashian Degenerate Erotica of the Day

Kourtney Kardashian Degenerate Erotica of the Day

There comes a time in every barn yard animals life when they need to be taken out to pasture and shot… You know used to make soap, or to feed the other farm animals, or really to just put it out of its misery. The problem with Social Media is that it gives these people a lifeline that is far too long for their own good. What would have been the media deciding that after 10 years of Kardashian the world has had enough, allowing them all to die off and be forgotten like normal 40 year old women too old to be inspiring to 18 year olds….is now drag it fucking out because it still makes the family money. They were lucky, timing was right, it all worked out for them… But there’s a level of embarrassing – when the sister who wasn’t even known for being a whore…is posing like a whore for her fans who respond positively to it…instead of saying “get back to being a mom you rich cunt”…. The whole thing so ugly, so gross, but thank god the Plastic Surgeons exist to make them look like gutter porn chicks rather than like their actual age…because if we’re forced to look at dog shit, it best be the best that dog shit can look, you know moulded into some statue or a bust or a pocket pussy of the nicest pussy ready to be fucked…. Garbage. Rich fucking Garbage. That will never go away, at least not until some other app takes out instagram. JOIN THE NEWSLETTER YOU ASSHOLES! The post Kourtney Kardashian Degenerate Erotica of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepFather.com .

See the original post here:
Kourtney Kardashian Degenerate Erotica of the Day

Aubrey O’Day Fat in Her Bikini of the Day

Aubrey O’Day, the shameless self-promoter, who has values and self-worth becasue she hasn’t released a sex tape yet, even though that is the obvious direction her career should take, considering she’s Aubrey O’Day, a nobody who already whores herself out to anyone willing to listen, especially if they are black….while her other option is to do dancing with the stars, but her cardio won’t allow her to be really competitive in that world….did not pos pictures of These Fat Ass Paparazzi Shot Bikini Pics Tha I am Not Allowed to Post Cuz the Paparazzi Hate Me , which was shocking considering that kind of bikini shit is what she lives for cuz all the “likes” give her reason to live and justify her extra large pizza dinner…..but shee did show some of her fat tit, coupled with implan tit, busting out of a shirt while playing with a dog…and that’s a good lead in to her dumpy as fuck ass in a bikini getting out of a pool… TO SEE HER DUMPY AS FUCK ASS IN A BIKINI GETTING OUT OF A POOL…. FOLLOW THIS LINK

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Aubrey O’Day Fat in Her Bikini of the Day

Annalynne McCord Sexy Bikini Pictures

AnnaLyne McCord wearing a bikini getting splashed with water is a sight for sore eyes. Alright maybe not sore eyes, but slightly hung over eyes. I’m assuming these are more shots from the set of that crappy show she’s on. I don’t know how that thing is still on the air, clearly I’m out of touch with what the kids like these days, Although, judging from these pictures AnnaLynne spends a lot of time horsing around in her bikini so maybe its not all that bad.

Vagina Biting Dog Humps a Girl in a Bikini of the Day

I’m sure this is old…but it is new to me…. Here’s a video of a girl in a bikini getting raped by a dog….It’s pretty obvious that they staged this shit and that she is instigating him….you know like she totally seduced the dog and lead him to believe he had a chance with her, making me relate to the exploited dog, who was forced to be the punchline in some cruel joke when all he wanted to do was eat vagina and cum… This reminds me of the series of webcam videos I’ve been seeing the last few months of what look like 18 year old girls getting eaten out by their dogs …the world is a horrible place…even though I’m sure pervert bitches were doing this decades ago too….see cuz dogs can’t talk and rat their pervert asses out.. Sidenote, the girl in the back screaming “I’m dying, I’m actually dying” like a gay man or a jappy spoiled girl from Jersey….apparently actually died…

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Vagina Biting Dog Humps a Girl in a Bikini of the Day