Bella Thorne is a 17 Year Old Ass of the Day

Bella Thorne is on the cusp of being legal in the USA, just 11 months to go. She is totally legal in Canada, because we let our perverts fuck 16 year olds legally, which I guess makes sense of a physical level, because they have rockin’ bodies, are capable of having babies, and thanks to genetically modified foods, she’s been able to have babies since she was 8 and thanks to internet porn, she’s known how to have babies since she was 3, and thanks to parents who stage parented her and sent her out to make the family money, she’s known how to work it and seduce grown men since she was 10…. That said, there’s a study that I heard about called All Men are Pedophiles, because 16 is the age where men of all ages stay attracted to, it’s some animal instinct shit that is magnified by the fact that it is illegal for you, because the second you talk to a 16 year old, you’ll know you want nothing to do with them…but you’ll obviously like starring at their asses….in bikinis that are skimpier and skimpier every year. Thanks Brazil. TO SEE THE REST OF THE PICS CLICK HERE

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Bella Thorne is a 17 Year Old Ass of the Day

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