While I was sitting on my couch, staring at my wall this weekend…Bella Throne landed her 15th million follower and she claims she loves every single one of them…from the RUSSIAN and INDIAN fake accounts her family bought to get her to the first million….to ME…because I follow her…and I feel so special, you know being one of the 15 million people she loves, like a little attention seeking, never satisfied slut who needs to be filled at all times to feel complete…thanks to parents who put importance on fame and selling her off to the internet and entertainment industry….. I guess she went on some free Social Media vacation – with free CRUISE and free HOTEL because when you have 15 million followers, you get free shit…or paid….and she brought some bikini wearing MOOCH…. The mooch’s name is Kyra Santoro…she’s not all that hot, you’ve never heard of her, she’s never done anything that I know of, but she’s worked her way into Bella Throne’s nest of irrelevants, including Bella Thorne herself, despite that follow count…and girl is leveraging the fuck out of that… MAYBE…just MAYBE…ONE DAY…she’ll book a job….and in the mean time, keep growing that audience with BIKINI pics…girl…because there is no way this one isn’t working this friendship like the lottery ticket it is…. Poor Bella Thorne…everyone keeps using her…her entire life…being used… This is going to end bad, at least historically, it will end bad…. TO SEE THE REST OF THE PICS CLICK HERE TO SEE THE REST OF THE PICS CLICK HERE TO SEE THE REST OF THE PICS CLICK HERE TO SEE THE REST OF THE PICS CLICK HERE The post Bella Thorne is on Vacation with some Mooch of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .
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Bella Thorne is on Vacation with some Mooch of the Day