#BlackGirlMagic: 11-Year-Old ‘Sick Of Reading About White Boys & Dogs’ Starts Her Own Black Girl Book Club

Young Black Girl Starts Her Own Book Club Because Representation Matters One young girl is proving that you have to be the change in the world that you want to see. 11-year-old Marley Dias started a campaign to collect and donate 1000 books where black girls are the main characters . According to Philly Voice reports: “I’m hoping to show that other girls can do this as well,” Dias told PhillyVoice. “I used the resources I was given, and I want people to pass that down and use the things they’re given to create more social action projects — and do it just for fun, and not make it feel like a chore.” Dias’ latest social action project is the “#1000BlackGirlBooks” book drive. Frustrated with many of the books she’s assigned in school, she confessed to her mother during dinner one night that she was unhappy with how monochromatic so many stories felt. I told her I was sick of reading about white boys and dogs,” Dias said, pointing specifically to “Where the Red Fern Grows” and the “Shiloh” series. “‘What are you going to do about it?’ [my mom] asked. And I told her I was going to start a book drive, and a specific book drive, where black girls are the main characters in the book and not background characters or minor characters.” The young girl has collected about 400 books, halfway to her goal of 1,000 by Feb. 1. You can visit HERE to help with the book drive and #1000BlackGirlBooks.

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#BlackGirlMagic: 11-Year-Old ‘Sick Of Reading About White Boys & Dogs’ Starts Her Own Black Girl Book Club

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