It’s common knowledge that Britney Spears is a crackhead who may or may not be addicted to actual crack, but who is definitely medicated and addicted to whatever medication that may be, because that’s how her handlers manager her and make sure she has no outburst when she’s out….a smile and nod kind of puppet designed to make a lot of people a lot of fucking money. It is also common knowledge that Courtney Love is a crackhead who may or may not be addicted to actual crack, but who is probably more into heroin. What is not common knowledge is that they are the same fucking person…or at least they look like they are in these pictures…that are both creepy, reminiscent of Jean Benet Ramesy the adult pill popping version….and bot cuz a medicated bitch always lets you do what you want to them….
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Britney Spears Does Courtney Love in Pop Magazine of the Day