Tag Archives: benet-ramesy

Halle Berry Does the Beach of the DAy

I don’t know what this lesbian wrestling shit is all about…I just know a black girl who gets off to two chicks wrestling and watches youtube videos of the shit for masturbation….in what may be one of the weirder things for a girl to get off to…but I’m kinda starting to get it….cuz seeing Halle Berry getting thrown down is hot…..but that could just be because Halle Berry’s got an amazing fucking body and as much as I point and laugh at her attempt to exploit being half black even though she was raised whiter than white in order to win awards, I will always love staring at her tits…I mean seriously…this body is fucking incredible…especially when it is getting mounted and thrown the fuck down half naked..

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Halle Berry Does the Beach of the DAy

Rose McGowan’s New Look is Interesting of the Day

I am a fan of Rose McGowan and she could get into the entire supply of botox at the medical spa, turning her face into a paralyzed, swollen, mess that looks almost like a cartoon character, or even Jon Benet Ramesy toddlers in tiara shit and I’ll still get behind her and say how fucking hot she is…because she is fucking hot and I’m not gonna let a little botched plastic surgery or overdone cosmetic procedure take away from that….even though she looks a little weirder than she used to, cuz a little swelling, allergic reaction, even accident victim shit never turned me off and I’m not gonna let it start now…

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Rose McGowan’s New Look is Interesting of the Day

Britney Spears Does Courtney Love in Pop Magazine of the Day

It’s common knowledge that Britney Spears is a crackhead who may or may not be addicted to actual crack, but who is definitely medicated and addicted to whatever medication that may be, because that’s how her handlers manager her and make sure she has no outburst when she’s out….a smile and nod kind of puppet designed to make a lot of people a lot of fucking money. It is also common knowledge that Courtney Love is a crackhead who may or may not be addicted to actual crack, but who is probably more into heroin. What is not common knowledge is that they are the same fucking person…or at least they look like they are in these pictures…that are both creepy, reminiscent of Jean Benet Ramesy the adult pill popping version….and bot cuz a medicated bitch always lets you do what you want to them….

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Britney Spears Does Courtney Love in Pop Magazine of the Day