The dumbest scandal of the day, yesterday, was that Cardi B’s pussy went viral on social media, where people check to get the latest in celebrity news, rather than old tired blogs already 12 hours late on the story, cuz I saw it and didn’t care… Is Cardi B, a stripper, was rumored to have flashed her pussy at the Billboard Awards That Suck….and no instagram accounts reporting the story got deleted, even though mine would have if I posted it…cuz I’ve had two twitter accounts shut down in a month – they are onto me – even though I don’t matter…. So the now popstar stripper trash that has a lot of 12 year old girl fans, since parents don’t mind their kids being raised by ghetto stripper trash, did some rant about her pussy and how you coulda seen her pussy when she was getting stripper trash…but now what you’re seeing is her fat ass. Great fucking lessons for the youth of tomorrow. I just want to know who the fuck decides her smut is safe for work and ok for instagram, but that mine isn’t….it’s a weird hypocritical world…because her smut, and the fact she sounds like a fucking half retard idiot, is more damaging to America…while my commentary is just on the fringe for about 8 people to read…you’d think they’d ban this shit…but instead it’s number 1. The world makes no sense.
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Cardi B Pussy Flash of the Day