Chris Matthews: I Hope Democrat Joe Sestak Wins In November

Chris Matthews on Thursday said without batting an eye that he hopes Rep. Joe Sestak (D-Penn.) is elected Senator in November. With this one declaration, it should be crystal clear the folks at MSNBC are no longer even remotely concerned about pretending they’re not cable’s Democrat News Network. On Thursday’s “Hardball,” in a segment dealing with the upcoming midterm elections and how bleak things look for the Party currently ruling America, the host left no doubt where his sympathies lie (video follows with transcript and commentary): CHRIS MATTHEWS, HOST: Let me ask you, what would be a surprising turn? Suppose something happens good and the Democrats get — manage to get their wind and the president gives a couple good speeches, and maybe we catch somebody bad or maybe — who knows what happens in Iran? (CROSSTALK) MATTHEWS: I don`t think we attack Iran, but anything is possible. I have heard that theory, by the way. Attack Iran, it will change everything. That is what some of the hawks want us to do. Let`s take a look at this. Suppose the Democrats win in Pennsylvania — NATE SILVER, FIVETHIRTYEIGHT.COM: Sure. MATTHEWS: — with Sestak. And I hope they do. Suppose they win in Ohio, Missouri, New Hampshire. Will that suggest to you, it seems to me from your work here, that that could be a surprisingly pretty good year for the Democrats, given all that`s happened, Nate? If you had any doubts concerning the state of modern journalism, they should all be answered after this pathetic broadcast. The only thing surprising about this segment was that Matthews didn’t refer to tingles going up his leg . Maybe that’ll came later in this cycle if he gets his wish. Stay tuned. Exit question: after this comment made on national television, how can MSNBC possibly consider allowing Matthews to be part of its election coverage this November?

See the original post here:
Chris Matthews: I Hope Democrat Joe Sestak Wins In November

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