Courtney Stodden’s Famewhoring for the Animals of the Day

I am an animal lover, but I may just be a human hater, and my be an animal lover due to circumstances, you know the basic human need for love, that I am just directing towards animals because they possess the features you’d want to find in humans, but humans don’t have due to egos and narcissism… No, I just think I like animals, they are great, that’s not to say I don’t eat meat like some kind of hippie faggot, I am more into eating meat that I get at restaurants and never have to see or touch because I wouldn’t be able to kill an animal to satisfy my love for the tenderness of a chicken’s soul…but I can eat that shit fried up off the bone like a psychopath. That said, PETA is the key animal advocate organization that probably runs a scam like all the non-profits, overpaying the execs, but that gives famewhores everywhere an excuse to make a spectacle for their cause…keeping PETA talked about…while they try to organize actual campaigns with actual celebs…. I mean why wouldn’t they give Stodden the OK on this, it gets their message across and costs them nothing, bitch just needs an excuse and I guess PETA gives it… Fame whoring for a good cause is a good excuse and may still be famewhoring…but its’ a good cause…I just thought PETA was about getting people naked, not half naked and covered in what looks like period art, up on some NEW FEMINIST ARTIST….the pornstar version…because STODDEN does softcore porn for VIVID…. The post Courtney Stodden’s Famewhoring for the Animals of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

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Courtney Stodden’s Famewhoring for the Animals of the Day

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