Louisiana Strippers File Lawsuit To Combat Law Prohibiting Dancers Under Age 21 Three strippers in Louisiana are fighting for their rights to be as naked as the wish in pursuit of the paper. According to CBSNews , young WOMEN under 21 years of age who dance in the shaky-butts will no longer be allowed to do something strange for a lil piece of change under a new state law. The lovely ladies have filed a federal lawsuit which states that the new law not only violates their First Amendment rights, but also their right to equal protection under the law. How so? They say the law’s definition of strip club performers as “entertainers whose breasts or buttocks are exposed to view” fails to prohibit the same conduct by men who are between the ages of 18 and 21. Legislators clearly haven’t thought the new law all the way out. Let them tell it, the law is meant “to protect young women”. The ladies, however, tell a different story. The Jane Does also claim that the law is already endangering young woman. One plaintiff says she has witnessed pimps and prostitutes trying to use the new law in a New Orleans strip club to “recruit entertainers who are now lawfully employed, but who will lose their jobs as a result of the Act.” Another plaintiff, identified as an 18-year-old LSU student, says other dancers under 21 have told her they plan to switch to prostitution once they can no longer dance. Despite their common first letter, there is quite a bit of difference between pimpin’, prostitution and “protection”. Image via Shutterstock
Here is the original post:
Dancing Democracy: Louisiana Strippers Under Age 21 Fight For Their Right To Flaunt Fun Bags For Funds