DEMENTED Peoooppleee: R. Kelly’s Unholy, God Forsaken “Spirit” Told Him To Do What?!

Source: Scott Olson / Getty R. Kelly’s “Spirit” Reportedly Told Him To Do Gayle King Interview After Robert Kelly ‘s telling interview with Gayle King only made matters much, much worse for the accused child molester, we’ve all been wondering why ON EARTH he decided to sit for that chat in the first place. It turns out, his mind was telling him no…but his spirit told him YEeeeEeeeS. …But seriously. His spirit told him to do it, this according to TMZ ‘s “sources:” “R. Kelly sat down with Gayle King because he is in constant touch with his “spirit” and tends to listen to it more than the people around him. He also said he felt he owed it to himself and his fans to break his silence and tell his side,” the site states. TMZ also states Kelly is unbothered by all the jokes on social media and how he’s been depicted… “After the interview aired last week, many viewers thought it was all an act, some felt he was having a mental breakdown and others used the emotional soundbites to make fun of Kelly on social media. But, we’re told R. Kelly gives “zero f***s” about how he’s being portrayed, and he can’t be bothered by the public’s reaction …” If you missed his interview with Gayle King, watch that here .

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DEMENTED Peoooppleee: R. Kelly’s Unholy, God Forsaken “Spirit” Told Him To Do What?!

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