White Models Cosplay As Black Women It started pretty innocently with a video of the above model, Emma Hallberg, going viral online. Everyone who saw the video assumed she was black. Why wouldn’t they? She’s damn near mahogany and speaking in all sorts of code-switched black vernacular. One problem: she’s not even close to black. As more pics and profiles hit the net, it became clear: there’s a whole a$$ epidemic of white women going all out to dress up as black women. And, no, we’re not just talking about Jennerdashians. These women do the hair, the makeup, the eyes and darken their skin. It’s a whole black woman aesthetic. These women are getting dragged for it, too. What do you think? Is this blackface? “Blackfishing” as the internet calls it? Or are they just following trends? Take a look…
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Dolezal-ing: These White Models Are Being Called Out For Allegedly Trying To Turn Themselves Into Black Women And You’ve GOT To See The Pics