Edita Vilkeviciute and Magdalena Frackowia Subtle Sluts in a Corporate Terry Richardson Shoot of the Day

Terry Richardson show these hot models for some corporate fashion gig and a little of his sleaze shined through. Sure it’s not the kind of sleaze that involved vaginas being stretched out by golden eggs, or pictures involving semen taken in seedy hotel rooms, with seedy bitches who look like they did seedy drugs….That sleaze was just the sleaze that launched Terry Richardson as “an artist” where all these faggot phony try hard fashionistas who faked their way into running the fashion industry cuz they stood out amongst the other try hard phony bullshit fashionistas, figured they’d pay him stupid money, get him to sell out, and pretty much turned his porn into something legit, something I wish would happen to me, because private jets are more fun than riding the fuckin’ bus with immigrants who smell, at least that’s what I’m starting to figure out….I just need to find a bullshit hook to trick all you idiots into thinking I am a visionary on another planet of talent, I’m not sure what my hustle is gonna be, but I know it will involve feces…. Here’s my favorite Edita Vilkeviciute and some other bitch named Magdalena Frackowia…..

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Edita Vilkeviciute and Magdalena Frackowia Subtle Sluts in a Corporate Terry Richardson Shoot of the Day

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