Tag Archives: stupid-money

Lottie Moss is not Kate Moss But She Tries by Showing her Pussy of the Day

I think I jumped the gun on this Lottie Moss character, who isn’t not Kate Moss, but half sister of Kate Moss…because I thought her short and sloppy self was going to become a thing in fashion industry because people are LAZY, but then I realized she was more of a bottom feeder who wears see through bathing suits and puts her pussy out on blast for the paparazzi to see, like a good girl….with her bottom feeding reality show friends…and I felt better about things… It’s like mooch the fuck out of your name, go for it, I like that….but not when it works out in a high profile way, I mean I want nothing to do with this look when it’s getting modeling jobs, if anything I get mad and hate her for reminding me of the scam that is media…but throw her amongst reality show trash and all of a sudden…I find her hot… Lottie Moss…keep her insignificant and milking her name…it’s good….until she gets the cover of VOGUE like a Kardashian or some shit… The post Lottie Moss is not Kate Moss But She Tries by Showing her Pussy of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

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Lottie Moss is not Kate Moss But She Tries by Showing her Pussy of the Day

McKayla Maroney in a Bra or Bikini Top of the Day

This is the Olympic Dream…better than a LIFE Ceral box cover.. If every Gold Medal winner looked more like this and less like Bruce Gender…. The Olympics would be worth jerking off to. That’s not to say that you don’t already jerk off to the Olympics…you love that SHOT PUT PUSSY….and other erotic sports… But it is to say that McKayla Maroney is quite the little SLUT and we love sluts…OLYMPIC or not, this girl has a body she likes and has always liked to broadcast to the internet for you PATRIOTIC perverts…you see it feels less sleazy when you’re jerking off to a Olympian…during the Olympics…knowing she was under age…you were doing it to support your country…WELL…she’s not underage anymore and she’s bringing it…if you consider wearing a bikini top or bra bringing it….. The post McKayla Maroney in a Bra or Bikini Top of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

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McKayla Maroney in a Bra or Bikini Top of the Day

Rihanna Nipple in a Video of the Day

I’ve seen pics of this video shoot before, but for some reason it’s all over the place today, and in trying to keep up with trends in celeb tits, tits we’ve already seen, of a celeb who is now old and fat, here’s Rihanna Nipple, because like Rihanna, we can pretend it is 10 years ago, but unlike Rihanna, we won’t be getting paid stupid money for it… Here are some bonus, if you can call them that, paparazzi pics of her in what could be a see through type maternity dress for the slutty pregnant chicks out there..you know who you are… The post Rihanna Nipple in a Video of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

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Rihanna Nipple in a Video of the Day

UK Whore Fame Whoring for the Paparazzi as UK Whores Do of the Day

Her name is – Megan Rees – it’s safe to say no one gives a fuck about her, but she managed to get into reality TV in the UK which is apparently pretty easy to pull off, maybe it’s a small island, maybe they have limited decent looking trash with all their teeth and breast implants, maybe they built a “culture” or “babe culture” on glamour models, making these stripper looking hookers the norm of baseline of what they think as a people as HOT…you know since accents like that scream everyone’s a faggot poofter fuck – and any closet case who is more into fucking his mate at the tennis club – or doing hooligan fights at the EURO in france…while finger banging each other’s assholes..would choose the most basic criteria of babe “big tits, shaved pussy, bald pussy, short skirt”..and these babes do the simpliest of simple get in the news hustle…no panties, clubs where the paparazzi is, get in the tabloids, matter…get a rich soccer playing husband… So silly…everyone knows bush is back, get on it trash and show me some fucking bush..not stubble.. BUSH NOT STUBBLE TEAM BUSHnotSTUBBLE.. The post UK Whore Fame Whoring for the Paparazzi as UK Whores Do of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

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UK Whore Fame Whoring for the Paparazzi as UK Whores Do of the Day

Hilary Duff’s Jet Blue in Bed Erotica / Prostitution of the Day

I wonder how much Jet Blue paid Hilary Duff for this brilliant at that I know makes you want to fly Jet Blue, maybe even that New York / LA flight we can assume Hilary Duff got for free, or maybe she got 100,000 dollars for the post…or maybe more – because that’s how famous people work – they are puppets with an audience they promote their bullshit they get paid stupid money to do..when we know her fans are only into her to jerk off to the memories of her at 16… In this case, it was zero effort, inflated lips, bright selfie…that has nothing to do with airplanes but has everything to do with making you want to cum on her big lips and wonder – why she wasn’t sucking on a banana – a little breakfast to make it fucking count…but her fans are only into her to jerk off to the memories of her at 16… Maybe you’re not into her cash grab but more into her grabbing her friend’s tits… The post Hilary Duff’s Jet Blue in Bed Erotica / Prostitution of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

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Hilary Duff’s Jet Blue in Bed Erotica / Prostitution of the Day

Independent Theaters Join Tower Heist Boycott

Following the example set last week by Cinemark, a number of independent theater chains and movie theaters have pledged not to screen Universal’s Tower Heist in protest over the studio’s plans to drastically shorten the release window. Lyndon Golin, chief executive of Regency Theaters (which is joined by the Emagine and Galaxy chains) explained: “We certainly support Cinemark… If their position is they won’t run it, then we won’t run it either. Movies shown in the home on such a short window is a dagger to our business.” [ LA Times ]

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Independent Theaters Join Tower Heist Boycott

Johnny Depp Lone Ranger Project Reportedly Back On for Slightly Less Stupid Money

When Disney pulled the plug on its expensive Lone Ranger project , which was to reunite Pirates of the Caribbean cohorts Johnny Depp , Jerry Bruckheimer, and Gore Verbinski, a few industry-watchers held out hope that the studio and the filmmakers would yet still reach an agreement over how many hundreds of millions of dollars the would-be franchise would cost. Almost exactly two months later, it seems they’ve reached that compromise. More stupid money for someone!

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Johnny Depp Lone Ranger Project Reportedly Back On for Slightly Less Stupid Money

Johnny Depp Admits He Does the Pirates Films for ‘Stupid Money,’ Compares Photo Shoots to Rape

Today’s real talk from Johnny Depp , speaking with Vanity Fair about his lucrative Pirates of the Caribbean franchise: “Basically, if they’re going to pay me the stupid money right now, I’m going to take it… I have to. I mean, it’s not for me. Do you know what I mean? At this point, it’s for my kids. It’s ridiculous, yeah, yeah. But ultimately is it for me? No. No. It’s for the kids.” And, on the subject of being photographed: “Well, you just feel like you’re being raped somehow. Raped … It feels like a kind of weird — just weird, man.” [ Vanity Fair , THR ]

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Johnny Depp Admits He Does the Pirates Films for ‘Stupid Money,’ Compares Photo Shoots to Rape

Edita Vilkeviciute and Magdalena Frackowia Subtle Sluts in a Corporate Terry Richardson Shoot of the Day

Terry Richardson show these hot models for some corporate fashion gig and a little of his sleaze shined through. Sure it’s not the kind of sleaze that involved vaginas being stretched out by golden eggs, or pictures involving semen taken in seedy hotel rooms, with seedy bitches who look like they did seedy drugs….That sleaze was just the sleaze that launched Terry Richardson as “an artist” where all these faggot phony try hard fashionistas who faked their way into running the fashion industry cuz they stood out amongst the other try hard phony bullshit fashionistas, figured they’d pay him stupid money, get him to sell out, and pretty much turned his porn into something legit, something I wish would happen to me, because private jets are more fun than riding the fuckin’ bus with immigrants who smell, at least that’s what I’m starting to figure out….I just need to find a bullshit hook to trick all you idiots into thinking I am a visionary on another planet of talent, I’m not sure what my hustle is gonna be, but I know it will involve feces…. Here’s my favorite Edita Vilkeviciute and some other bitch named Magdalena Frackowia…..

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Edita Vilkeviciute and Magdalena Frackowia Subtle Sluts in a Corporate Terry Richardson Shoot of the Day

Eniko Mihalik Half Naked for Vogue of the Day

The only 70 year old I ever fucked was my high school cafeteria lady…sure she didn’t wear fishnets, but did wear hair nets and she didn’t have a tight hot body, but did have a I didn’t know who Eniko Mihalik was and since there was no good celeb pussy pics, I decided to post these half naked model in Vogue pics…I used to hate posting photoshoots, but I guess I am a new man….since the paparazzi pics are pretty much photoshoots now that everything is staged…. So I did a little research. Apparently, Eniko is Hungarian. She has other model friends and she loves playing board games even though board games make you look like an asshole. She watches cartoons, likes eating hungarian foods and bagels and she sleeps with a teddy named Bubu…..which is pretty much the level of substance I expected a bitch who gets paid stupid money to stand and smile would have…cuz really it’s all she needs. On a sidenote, she did Victoria’s Secret fashion show last year, which makes her a winner to you so here are her pics…

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Eniko Mihalik Half Naked for Vogue of the Day