Now that 50 Cent has discovered his charitable spirit, he is appalled that the rest of you could possibly be so insensitive and uncaring about the world. Yes, we’re talking about the same Curtis who spent the majority of last year flaunting his money and whose BFF Money Mayweather sets $100 bills on fire in the club . That guy wants you to care more. So much so that he wrote a little e-rant about it. Like to read it? Here it go: The world is so effed up. People don’t seem to care anymore. People seem to have distanced themselves from other people’s problems, they have been programmed not to care! Politicians are corrupt…So many companies are corrupt and taking excessive profits in certain sectors…….and we keep allowing this isht to happen There are 1 billion plus people living in extreme poverty. You know what that is? You don’t know if your getting your next meal, no shelter, no medical. You have no chance of hustling your way out of it! We have been programmed to not give a isht about these people! Well I have woken up and Im not turning a blind eye anymore! Im not playing the game anymore. Our Company CEO’s and politicians want us to keep our heads down and not ask questions. Not demand the truth they don’t want us to care, they have trained us to turn a blind eye! Because they control us and profit from us this way! to push back at them questions and threatens their lifestyles. Children are dying everyday from hunger. Its effed up, its wrong and I am angry Im not going to shut up or give up – fawk the system, its wrong. wake up we are being used! Innocent children are dying each day…. we need to shout out to companies, politicians that we aren’t playing their games anymore. We are waking up to their lies and deceitful dealings. Im angry, Im going to make a difference and no one is going to stop me. Join me if your tired of being used and manipulated. Make this world fair for everyone. Okay Curtis. Sure.
See the rest here:
Eff The World: 50 Cent Cusses Everyone Out For Not Caring About Hungry African Kids As Much As He Does… This Year