Eff This Guy!!! Free Man And Child Killer George Zimmerman Fears For His Life After Being Found Not Guilty In Trayvon Martin Murder Case

George Zimmerman Fears For His Life After Being Found Not Guilty George Zimmerman feels he’s marked for death and needs to be packing heat and wearing body armor. According to CNN: His GPS monitor has been cut off and George Zimmerman, legally, can go anywhere he wants. But his family and his lawyers say he’s hardly free. Zimmerman fears for his life. He’s a reviled figure to millions, despite his acquittal Saturday night in Trayvon Martin’s killing. And he could still be held criminally liable for Martin’s death. Zimmerman’s attorney describes him as a marked man. “He has to be very cautious and protective of his safety because there is still a fringe element who have said … that they will not listen to a verdict of not guilty,” said Mark O’Mara. Zimmerman, 29, has kept his address under wraps for more than a year and worn a disguise whenever he left his four walls. He has often strapped on body armor, according to O’Mara. And he may feel the need to be armed. When asked by CNN whether Zimmerman will keep the gun used in the killing, his brother, Robert Zimmerman, said, “I don’t see any reason why he shouldn’t. “I think he has more reason now than ever to think that people are trying to kill him because they express they’re trying to kill him, all the time, every day, on my Twitter feed, on the Internet.” Zimmerman, married with no children, may leave Florida and choose to lead a life in the shadows — like Casey Anthony, the Florida woman acquitted of killing her 2-year-old daughter in 2008. With the state criminal case over, George Zimmerman could now face new criminal charges. The federal government could file a civil rights suit, accusing him of violating 17-year-old Martin’s civil rights. Those who defend Zimmerman say he will struggle for the rest of his life over what happened, despite his contention that it was in self-defense. “In his religious beliefs, death by any definition is a tragedy,” Robert Zimmerman told CNN’s Piers Morgan. “So he has moral things that he’s going to have to deal with, and emotional and psychological hurdles he’s going to have to overcome.” Those who believe he should be in jail for murder are quick to point out that Martin lost his life, and say there should be no tears shed for any struggles Zimmerman may face. Really?? Fawk George Zimmerman’s morals and “struggles”…there is a DEAD CHILD whose family needs justice. R.I.P. Trayvon.

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Eff This Guy!!! Free Man And Child Killer George Zimmerman Fears For His Life After Being Found Not Guilty In Trayvon Martin Murder Case

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