George Zimmerman Twitter Account Suspended For “Revenge Porn” George Zimmerman’s Twitter account was suspended on Thursday, after he posted explicit photos of his ex-girlfriend’s face and nude body, alongside her full name, phone number, and e-mail address. Zimmerman’s abusive “slut-shaming” tweet also came with a healthy side of racism, featuring an Islamaphobic slur for the man he alleges she cheated on him with. He later tweeted “Did I go to [sic] far? I won’t even mention that she stole a gun and cash from me. Her line’s busy,” alongside another explicit pic Of course, this isn’t the first Zimmerman’s account came under fire. Months ago, thousands of users called to have his account dismissed, tweeting the hashtag #BanGeorgeZimmerman back in October, after he boldly and disrespectfully posted a photo of Trayvon Martin’s lifeless body at the crime scene where he shot him dead. What he did was 100% foul…but when you choose to date a man best known for killing an innocent unarmed teenager, and who’s also committed domestic violence crimes against women in his life, how shocked can poor Heather really be that he stooped this low? And funny how it took him embarrassing a “poor white woman” to get his account deleted, but when he reposted photos of the body of the child he killed in cold blood, the social media platform let it fly. SMH.
See original here:
Eff This Guy: Murderer George Zimmerman’s Twitter Account Suspended After He Posts “Revenge Porn” Of Ex Girlfriend