Epitome Of A Bad Mother: Woman Starved Newborn Son So Badly He Weighed Less Than His Birth Weight At 6 Weeks Old!

People really ain’t isht. Mother Starves Her Baby Some people shouldn’t have kids. According to Douglas County Sentinel: A Lithia Springs woman is charged with felony cruelty to children after allegedly starving her newborn baby to the point it needed medical attention. Jamie Lynn Bentley, 33, was denied bond Friday by Douglas County Magistrate Court Judge Susan Camp based on charges presented in court. According to authorities, Bentley fed her baby only two ounces of food every six hours from the time it was born. At the age of six weeks, the baby had lost two pounds from its birth weight. It has since been taken from Bentley and, at eight weeks old, has returned to its birth weight in the hospital. “DFCS has been involved in this since the beginning,” said Kristi Wilson, with the Douglas County District Attorney’s Office. “There are a lot of allegations of drug abuse with the mother.” The baby was so starved it apparently was eating its own muscle mass. “They were surprised it was alive,” said Wilson. “We don’t know if there will be any permanent damage to him. Camp had seen pictures of the baby, and said they were “terrible.” “It was skin and bones,” Wilson said. “Certain people have seen the pictures and that’s what it was. They couldn’t even recognize it was a baby in the pictures. The state is adamant that her bond should be denied. Certainly we feel she is a risk of reoffending.” Camp denied bond, saying Bentley is a danger to the victim.”Looking at those pictures, it looks terrible,” she said. “It looks like you really didn’t care anything about the baby and you were just doing what you wanted to do. I’m not saying that’s right but that’s what it looks like. So what I’m going to do is deny your bond. You may have to take this thing to trial because it looks really bad.” The baby was so starved that he was eating his own muscle mass. Dayum. Shutterstock

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Epitome Of A Bad Mother: Woman Starved Newborn Son So Badly He Weighed Less Than His Birth Weight At 6 Weeks Old!

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