Fair Or Foul? Oregon High School Criticized For Sending Students Home With A “White Privilege Survey”

Oregon Father Upset Over Son Learning About White Privilege In School A teacher in Oregon just wanted to explain what the term “white privilege” means and help students understand where they fall in the national discussion about it. And of course…one of the white parents was livid to hear of their child gaining understanding of such things. Via MailOnline : An Aloha, Oregon father is upset about a survey on white privilege that his son was assigned as homework. The survey, which was handed out in a literature composition class at Aloha High School, asks students to consider a series of statements about race, and rank the comments on a scale from 0 (seldom or never true) to 5 (often true) in accordance with their personal experiences. Example questions include ‘I can go shopping alone most of the time, pretty well assured that I will not be followed or harassed’ and ‘I can turn on the television or open to the front page of the newspaper and see people of my race widely and positively represented’. School district spokeswoman Maureen Wheeler told KGW that the class in question covers issues affecting the U.S. today, including race, class, sexuality and religion. The goal of the class is for student to ‘gain empathy, understanding and to build bridges’. But Jason Schmidt, whose senior son is in the class, doesn’t see the survey that way. ‘The way this survey is read, it almost wants to like, shame you for being white,’ Schmidt told KATU. Schmidt says he’d like to see his son ‘learning actual education and not be a part of some social experiment or teacher’s political agenda’. Oh WAH WAH WAHHH. Sounds like the child and his father must have checked each and every box with the highest possible privilege score to get this bent out of shape about an educational exercise. God forbid a privileged white child actually learn what people mean when they reference white privilege. SMH. Jason Schmidt/KATU

Fair Or Foul? Oregon High School Criticized For Sending Students Home With A “White Privilege Survey”

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