The man wanted the cows to move away from his horse feed so he shot them in the face!?!? Makes sense right?? According to NBC2 in Orlando : A Flagler County man is accused of shooting neighborhood cows in the face. Six of the Bunnell cows were shot — two of them badly injured. According to a report from the state attorney’s office, Justin Deloach is responsible for the cow’s injuries. Authorities say the shooting happened late last month. The cows were hit in the face, rump, ribs and shoulders. Deloach claimed he only fired into the air when he said the cows broke through a fence and ate his horse feed. He said he only wanted to scare the animals so they would move. The animals returned their owner, however, bleeding profusely. A veterinarian who examined the cows said the injuries are so significant, the animals’ value is affected. This sociopath really needs to learn how to take his anger out on some dayum hay bales instead of shooting cows! SMH Images via shutterstock/tumblr
Florida Crazies: Angry Farmer Shoots His Neighbors Cows In The Face!!!