Tag Archives: cows

Florida Crazies: Angry Farmer Shoots His Neighbors Cows In The Face!!!

The man wanted the cows to move away from his horse feed so he shot them in the face!?!? Makes sense right?? According to NBC2 in Orlando : A Flagler County man is accused of shooting neighborhood cows in the face. Six of the Bunnell cows were shot — two of them badly injured. According to a report from the state attorney’s office, Justin Deloach is responsible for the cow’s injuries. Authorities say the shooting happened late last month. The cows were hit in the face, rump, ribs and shoulders. Deloach claimed he only fired into the air when he said the cows broke through a fence and ate his horse feed. He said he only wanted to scare the animals so they would move. The animals returned their owner, however, bleeding profusely. A veterinarian who examined the cows said the injuries are so significant, the animals’ value is affected. This sociopath really needs to learn how to take his anger out on some dayum hay bales instead of shooting cows! SMH Images via shutterstock/tumblr

Florida Crazies: Angry Farmer Shoots His Neighbors Cows In The Face!!!

Mel Gibson Goes Off on Betty White.

Warning – explicit language added by: EdJoyProductions

"Behind the Mustache" | The Brutality of Factory Farms: An Inside Look | John Robbins

John Robbins Author of The New Good Life, Diet For A New America, and many other bestsellers Posted: July 13, 2010 08:00 AM The Brutality of Factory Farms: An Inside Look (VIDEO): http://www.youtube.com/verify_age?next_url=http%3A //www.youtube.com/watch3DTEGw8iFbG5I3D1 _____ This past week, California Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger signed a bill that will essentially prohibit, starting in 2015, any egg from being sold in the state that comes from caged hens. This bill became law 20 months after a majority of California voters approved Proposition 2, making it clear that concern for the living conditions of livestock is no longer the province of animal rights activists alone. Recognizing how widespread concern about the humane treatment of farm animals has become, the California Milk Advisory Board has recently ramped up its 10-year “Happy Cow” advertising campaign with a new series of ads proclaiming that “Great milk comes from Happy Cows. Happy Cows come from California.” These ads are now being shown across the nation. Unfortunately, there are a few problems with the ads. For one, they weren't filmed in California at all. They were filmed in Auckland, New Zealand. And that's just the tip of the iceberg. Current Milk Board ads claim that 99 percent of the state's dairy farms are family owned. But in order to arrive at this figure, they count as “dairy farms” rural households with one or two cows. Meanwhile, there are corporate-owned dairies in the San Joaquin Valley which have 15,000 or 20,000 cows. It is these far larger enterprises that produce the vast majority of California's milk. My concern, let me emphasize, is not with small-scale family farms. I have no problem with the many hard-working families who treat their cows well, take care of the land and try to bring a healthy product to market. My problem is with the much larger agribusiness enterprises, the factory farms to whom the animals in their care are nothing but sources of revenue. Thanks to the practices they employ, the amount of milk produced yearly by the average California cow is nearly 3,000 pounds more than the national average. This increased production may seem like a good thing, but it is achieved at great cost to the animals. The cows are routinely confined in extremely unnatural conditions, injected with hormones, fed antibiotics, and in general treated with all the compassion of four legged milk pumps. Roughly one third of California's cows suffer from painful udder infections, and more than half suffer from other infections and illnesses. Although genetically engineered bovine growth hormone is banned in many countries including Canada, Australia, New Zealand and much of the European Union, it is widely used in California's largest dairy operations to increase milk production. Unfortunately, it also increases udder infections and lameness in the cows, markedly raises the amount of pus found in milk, and may increase the risk of cancer in consumers. The natural lifespan of a dairy cow is about 25 years, but one-fourth of California's dairy cows are slaughtered each year (typically at four or five years old), because they've become crippled from painful foot infections or calcium depletion, or simply because they can no longer produce the unnaturally high amounts of milk required of them. The Milk Board ads present the California dairy industry as a bucolic enterprise that operates in lush, grassy pastures. Some of the ads employ the slogan “So much grass, so little time.” But California's dairy industry is concentrated in the dry and barren Central Valley. Here, the cows are typically kept in overcrowded, dirt feedlots. Some never see a blade of grass in their entire lives. The ads show calves in meadows talking happily to their mothers. But the calves born to California dairy cows typically spend only 24 hours with their mothers, and some do not even get that much. Here is a video that reveals what actually happens to the calves: http://www.youtube.com/verify_age?next_url=http%3A //www.youtube.com/watch3DTEGw8iFbG5I3D1 added by: EthicalVegan

What’s On: Ramona the Pest

In tonight’s third and concluding part of the Real Housewives of NYC reunion, we have just one question left: How many more ways can Ramona be inarticulately outraged? So far she’s stammered, opened her eyes widely, stared intently at Andy Cohen, stood up steaming, and walked around the set. That’s quite an array — I hope she keeps it up with some head-shaking and eye-closing this time.

More here:
What’s On: Ramona the Pest

Who’s being Fooled by Dairy Front Groups?

Click original link for post with external links to thing and it will make more sense. ____________________ I'd like to thank gmail's targeted ad system for, again, enlightening me to the presence of another pro animal-exploitation front group. (Always click on these ads when you get them. These places often pay per click in order to keep their ad up.) Front groups, for those of you who don't know, are groups designed to protect industries that are failing due to various reasons- exposure for cruelty to animals, health reasons, environmental reasons, worker exploitation, oil spills (BP has one), etc. The Center for Consumer Freedom is one of the most famous of these groups and has attacked everyone from doctors studying obesity to anti-smoking proponents. Today's front group is the Real California Milk campaign, who espouses on their sight that “99% of California dairy farms are family owned”. Well, since 95-99% of these farms are the dreaded “factory farms” then we know now that most factory farms are “family farms”. So if you read into the site, it is telling you the truth about the industry- when people say “family farm” it often still means “factory farm”. My favorite part is the Happy Cows section, trying to convince us that every drop of milk is “made with 100% pure happiness!” A video on the page shows green pastures with cows tagged for milking and slaughter, factory farming pens and milking parlor machines in nice, soft lighting, and baby cows just birthed fromn their mothers shortly before being torn away from them to be made into future dairy cows or veal. This footage is juxtaposed with interviews with the farmers who exploit, beat, confine, forcefully impregnate, kidnap, and kill discussing how much they love their animals. I guess business owners have to do what they have to do when so many undercover videos come out showing horrible abuse on dairy farms. One of the biggest messages of the video is that the cows “need” these farmers to exploit them in order to live (before they are killed of course), and thus, the relationship involves mutual respect and help. Talk about ridiculous. It doesn't take an animal rightsist to realize that when you force an animal to breed and force the babies into these farming conditions, that they are not voluntarilly doing anything. It's also quite true that farm animals survive quite well outside of dairy farms. Take the rescued veal calves living out their lives at Woodstock Farm Animal Sanctuary as an example. Another apparently touching section of a video is a farmer patting himself on the back because, after his cows are dragged to the milking parlor (in which machines are attached to them to extract the milk that should have gone to their calves- who are sent to slaughter for veal and beef), he offers them a soft bed of hay in the pen they are dragged back to, with clean water to boot! What kind of industry is this where hay to lay on top of in a prison and clean water are extreme luxuries? It's funny watching these farmers trying to hide their desire for capital behind “caring” for the cows- of which every measure is based on how much they can get her to produce. There is a constant insistence that if a cow is fed correctly, that's how she produces. That is the main concern here- not the actual well being and desires of the cows, just how much milk they make. What happens when she stops? Oh more rape and kidnapping and if she still doesn't produce enough- slaughter. At the end they claim animal liberationists have something to gain from calling for the abolition of the exploitation of animals. Really? What's that exactly? The same person says he'd invite anyone to see his farm. That's all well and good for the ad online, but in reality he'd call the cops and prosecute people for trespassing or for taking pictures of the animals- something punishable by “terrorism” laws in many areas. Even so, most farm tours never include the slaughter process or veal crates. That way, they can send people away, still able to deny that those things happen. So, bravo, “Real California Milk”! You've actually taught me more about why I oppose the dairy industry- including the “family” farms. Keep up the good work and misinformation. You might be able to combat the fact that a new undercover video comes out every month that most people can not make it through due to the cruelty involved in the dairy industry. added by: animalia_libero

Read more:
Who’s being Fooled by Dairy Front Groups?

Who’s being Fooled by Dairy Front Groups?

Click original link for post with external links to thing and it will make more sense. ____________________ I'd like to thank gmail's targeted ad system for, again, enlightening me to the presence of another pro animal-exploitation front group. (Always click on these ads when you get them. These places often pay per click in order to keep their ad up.) Front groups, for those of you who don't know, are groups designed to protect industries that are failing due to various reasons- exposure for cruelty to animals, health reasons, environmental reasons, worker exploitation, oil spills (BP has one), etc. The Center for Consumer Freedom is one of the most famous of these groups and has attacked everyone from doctors studying obesity to anti-smoking proponents. Today's front group is the Real California Milk campaign, who espouses on their sight that “99% of California dairy farms are family owned”. Well, since 95-99% of these farms are the dreaded “factory farms” then we know now that most factory farms are “family farms”. So if you read into the site, it is telling you the truth about the industry- when people say “family farm” it often still means “factory farm”. My favorite part is the Happy Cows section, trying to convince us that every drop of milk is “made with 100% pure happiness!” A video on the page shows green pastures with cows tagged for milking and slaughter, factory farming pens and milking parlor machines in nice, soft lighting, and baby cows just birthed fromn their mothers shortly before being torn away from them to be made into future dairy cows or veal. This footage is juxtaposed with interviews with the farmers who exploit, beat, confine, forcefully impregnate, kidnap, and kill discussing how much they love their animals. I guess business owners have to do what they have to do when so many undercover videos come out showing horrible abuse on dairy farms. One of the biggest messages of the video is that the cows “need” these farmers to exploit them in order to live (before they are killed of course), and thus, the relationship involves mutual respect and help. Talk about ridiculous. It doesn't take an animal rightsist to realize that when you force an animal to breed and force the babies into these farming conditions, that they are not voluntarilly doing anything. It's also quite true that farm animals survive quite well outside of dairy farms. Take the rescued veal calves living out their lives at Woodstock Farm Animal Sanctuary as an example. Another apparently touching section of a video is a farmer patting himself on the back because, after his cows are dragged to the milking parlor (in which machines are attached to them to extract the milk that should have gone to their calves- who are sent to slaughter for veal and beef), he offers them a soft bed of hay in the pen they are dragged back to, with clean water to boot! What kind of industry is this where hay to lay on top of in a prison and clean water are extreme luxuries? It's funny watching these farmers trying to hide their desire for capital behind “caring” for the cows- of which every measure is based on how much they can get her to produce. There is a constant insistence that if a cow is fed correctly, that's how she produces. That is the main concern here- not the actual well being and desires of the cows, just how much milk they make. What happens when she stops? Oh more rape and kidnapping and if she still doesn't produce enough- slaughter. At the end they claim animal liberationists have something to gain from calling for the abolition of the exploitation of animals. Really? What's that exactly? The same person says he'd invite anyone to see his farm. That's all well and good for the ad online, but in reality he'd call the cops and prosecute people for trespassing or for taking pictures of the animals- something punishable by “terrorism” laws in many areas. Even so, most farm tours never include the slaughter process or veal crates. That way, they can send people away, still able to deny that those things happen. So, bravo, “Real California Milk”! You've actually taught me more about why I oppose the dairy industry- including the “family” farms. Keep up the good work and misinformation. You might be able to combat the fact that a new undercover video comes out every month that most people can not make it through due to the cruelty involved in the dairy industry. added by: animalia_libero

Kiefer Sutherland – Alleged Cattle Crime Victim

Filed under: Celebrity Justice , Kiefer Sutherland Kiefer Sutherland plunked down almost a million bucks in what prosecutors say was a cattle investment scam — and the alleged perpetrator is being prosecuted.Michael Wayne Carr convinced Kiefer to invest $869,000 …

See original here:
Kiefer Sutherland – Alleged Cattle Crime Victim