Floyd Mayweather’s Baby Mama Josie Harris Tells The Terrors Behind The Night Of His Arrest, So Why Has She Let Him Hit Since Then?

The cat is definitely out of the punching bag now. Floyd “Money” Mayweather has his first fight since going into the joint this Saturday and he’s been doing lots of press preparing for it — maybe too much, because in his Showtime documentary “30 Days Of May” he went a little too hard in denying beating up his ex Josie Harris — so she felt she had no choice other than to open up and give her side. Peep some excerpts below via Yahoo! Sports : “Did he beat me to a pulp?” said Josie Harris, sitting in her living room in a development in Valencia. “No, but I had bruises on my body and contusions and [a] concussion because the hits were to the back of my head. I believe it was planned to do that … because the bruises don’t show …” Her voice trails off as she produces a doctor’s report describing the injuries following her visit to Southern Hills Hospital in the immediate aftermath of the attack. Throughout the documentary, Mayweather called the charges “over-exaggerated” and “trumped up,” while his team of handlers insisted there was no violence and no physical harm inflicted. “This judicial system is really messed up,” said Mayweather’s current partner, Shantel “Miss” Jackson, in the documentary. “How can someone who really didn’t do anything have to suffer a consequence for something of this magnitude? It really does anger me, because how can a lie get so far?” The doctor’s report tells a different story, of bruising and contusions. So does Harris’ next document, a handwritten statement then 11-year-old Koraun Mayweather gave to police. It was Koraun who, according to his written statement to police, ran for help when he “saw my Dad hit[t]ing” and “kicking my Mom.” Yahoo! Sports reviewed copies of the doctor’s report and Koraun’s written statements to police. Harris declined to make the copies public. According to her representative, she did not want to distract Mayweather so close to a fight. We’re torn here. Clearly Josie Harris was hurt, both physically and emotionally — but how can she possibly be serious about not wanting to distract Mayweather when she’s already granted a pretty distracting interview? Hit the flip to peep the police report

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Floyd Mayweather’s Baby Mama Josie Harris Tells The Terrors Behind The Night Of His Arrest, So Why Has She Let Him Hit Since Then?

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