Charlotte Rampling Takes Back Racist To Whites Oscar Comments We reported that decrepit Oscar nominee Charlotte Rampling was not here for the #OscarSoWhite outrage. The elderly actress recently blasted the controversy over claims of lack of diversity in Hollywood as a racist plot against white folks. What?! According to The Guardian the actress says that the controversy is discriminatory against Caucasians. Asked for her take on the current furore over all-white lists of nominees on French Radio network Europe 1 on Friday morning, the British actor did not mince her words. “It is racist to whites,” she said. “One can never really know, but perhaps the black actors did not deserve to make the final list,” added Rampling. Asked if the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences should introduce quotas, a proposal which no current advocate of increased diversity has mooted, she responded: “Why classify people? These days everyone is more or less accepted … People will always say: ‘Him, he’s less handsome’; ‘Him, he’s too black’; ‘He is too white’ … someone will always be saying ‘You are too’ [this or that] … But do we have to take from this that there should be lots of minorities everywhere?” Now Charlotte wants to backtrack after getting dragged to hell for her comments. The ain’t isht actress made this statement to CBS News : “I regret that my comments could have been misinterpreted this week in my interview with Europe 1 Radio,” said Rampling, who is nominated for a Best Acting award for the film “45 Years.” “I simply meant to say that in an ideal world every performance will be given equal opportunities for consideration. I am very honored to be included in this year’s wonderful group of nominated actors and actresses.” “Diversity in our industry is an important issue that needs to be addressed,” she continued. “I am highly encouraged by the changes announced today by the Academy to diversify its membership.” Girl, bye! WENN/Getty
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Girl, Bye: Charlotte Rampling Takes Back ‘Racist To Whites’ Oscar Comments After Getting Dragged To Hell
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