If you lived in New York or Los Angeles on July 20, 2001, and were the type of person who loved to make underhanded remarks about friends, strangers and even family members behind their back — and even to their face — then the chances are good you were first in line to see Terry Zwigoff’s caustic comedy of misanthropy, Ghost World . Based on the comic by Daniel Clowes, the film took too-cool-for-school ethos to another level, offered Thora Birch and Scarlett Johansson their best-ever screen roles (true), and even turned Steve Buscemi into a romantic lead. Well, sorta. Let’s celebrate this little oddity by remembering some great one-liners — and a related-but-not music video by Aimee Mann — ahead.
Read this article:
Happy 10th Anniversary, Ghost World! Let’s Celebrate Its Decade of Misanthropy