Haters gonna hate! Kate Upton , Kanye’s rumored ex boo thang and the internet’s latest crush has been everywhere as of late. From appearing on numerous spreads to the latest issue of Sport’s Illustrated showing us her spread, the girl has been receiving tons of attention. However, one place where you most likely won’t find Ms.Upton and her racy rack is on the runway of Victoria’s Secret: “We would never use” Ms. Upton for a Victoria’s Secret show, Ms. Neophitou said by telephone last week from London. And, while Ms. Upton has, in fact, modeled on occasion for the company’s catalog, her look, said Ms. Neophitou, is “too obvious” to be featured in what has become the most widely viewed runway show in the world. “She’s like a Page 3 girl,” Ms. Neophitou said, referring to the scantily clad voluptuous women featured in The Sun, a London tabloid. “She’s like a footballer’s wife, with the too-blond hair and that kind of face that anyone with enough money can go out and buy. A brand that casts a fashion show where supermodels walk down a pink runway with wings made of styrofoam, glitter, and glue. How high fashion… Kate clearly is not welcome there. Well, we don’t mind showcasing this busty Becky and her “too obvious” body here. Image via Getty Images/SI Source More On Bossip! Ultimate Swirl Pt. 2: White Dudes That Made Brothas Super Peeved New Cakes! Meet Playboy’s New Model Of Color Miss February Leola Bell And Her Lovely Twitpics Twitter Files: Thin-Skinned Chris Breezy Barks On His Haters And Stunts With His Grammy Missed Shots: Athletes That Went Broke For No Damn Reason!
Originally posted here:
Hi Hater: Victoria’s Secret Says Kate “Busty Becky” Upton Will NEVER Walk In Its Fashion Show