Hilaria Baldwin is the clever gold digger who came with a specific and marketable skill set, so that when she properly positioned herself for a celebrity clientele, pretty literally, positioned herself for a celebrity clientele, with her vagina in spandex doing things that are pretty much unheard of, things this rich guys had never seen before, and that these rich guys could pretend were for some kind of spiritual and health driven enlightenment, booking her for 2 sessions a day like she was some kind of prosti. Meaning..she was the seductress who infiltrated the wallets of the rich using her flexibility and yoga expertise…but after creeping on her instagram…you’ll see exactly why Alec Baldwin came up inside her…right.. I don’t know why, but I guess like Alec Baldwin, her poses are weird, interesting, and something I want to fuck…here’s some recents pics I pulled from her instagram…
The rest is here:
Hilaria Baldwin’s Ridiculous Yoga Poses of the Day