Ho Sit Down…NOW: Former President Bush FEMA Director Says President Obama Responded To Hurricane Sandy “Too Quickly”

First Donald Trump and now this shady azz character?? Former Bush FEMA Director Criticizes President Obama For Quick Response To Hurricane Sandy Did the GOP have  a bath salts and booger-sugar bash last night while President Obama was busy addressing the nation and doing his duty as President to help brace the east coast for the wrath of hurricane Sandy? Because this is the only rational explanation that we can think of for why these fools continue to go public with these dumb and dumber statements like this one.. via Think Progress Former FEMA Director Michael Brown offered criticism of President Obama’s early responses to Hurricane Sandy yesterday, including a dig at the administration’s response to last month’s attack in Libya. Yesterday, ahead of the storm’s pummeling of the eastern seaboard, Brown gave an interview to the local alternative paper, the Denver Westword, on how he believed the Obama administration was responding to Sandy too quickly and that Obama had spoken to the press about Sandy’s potential effect too early. Brown turned then to a reliable right-wing attack on the President’s response to the attack on a U.S. diplomatic outpost in Benghazi that killed four Americans: “One thing he’s gonna be asked is, why did he jump on [the hurricane] so quickly and go back to D.C. so quickly when in…Benghazi, he went to Las Vegas?” Brown says. “Why was this so quick?… At some point, somebody’s going to ask that question…. This is like the inverse of Benghazi.” It must be azz backwards day. Cause that made absolutely NO sense. SMH.

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Ho Sit Down…NOW: Former President Bush FEMA Director Says President Obama Responded To Hurricane Sandy “Too Quickly”

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