That’s a slippery slope you’re sliding down… Sarah Silverman Defends Quentin Tarantino’s Use Of The N-Word In D’Jango Unchained According to Sarah Silverman, Spike Lee isn’t respecting the code of artists that declares that any and everything can and will be used in composing creative works. Lee recently sparked controversy after he deemed Tarantino’s latest piece of cinema, D’Jango Unchained , “disrespectful to (his) ancestors” due to the use of the N-word over 100 times. While out in Los Angeles, Silverman was asked what she thought of Spike’s refusal to see D’Jango According to Silverman: “Doesn’t it take place like during slavery? Wouldn’t it be odd if they didn’t have that horrific word in it?” “I think slave owners said it a lot, that’s why it has a stigma to this day.” While Silverman does claim to be a huge Spike Lee fan, she also acknowledges that he has some strange opinions when it comes to film. “I love Spike Lee, we were just talking about School Daze, but he’s a got a lot of mishegas (yiddish word for “crazy weird isht”) with art. I think you can’t really tell art what to do” What do you think about the use of the n-word so repetitively in D’Jango? Are you too offended by the word to even SEE the movie??? Image via WENN
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Ho Sit Down: Sarah Silverman Defends Quentin Tarantino’s Use Of The N-Word: “You Can’t Tell Art What To Do”