Horse Faced Jessica Lowndes Keeps the Instagram Bikini Shoot Going of the Day

This horse faced Canadian who made it pretty far for a Canadian, but who is still pretty much a nobody, despite being on TV once for a year or two, on 90210 as the new Tori Spelling, at least that’s what her horse face is telling me, named Jessica Lowndes, has realized that getting action on social media is strictly based on posting bikini pics…so bikini pics is what she’ll bring…fingers crossed it will get her music listened to, movie roles she’s auditioned for, people to actually care more than just stare and her hot body half naked… The good news is that she’s on the right track…we call Sex Tape…or at least leaked nudes…she’s getting desperate because she’s tasted the fame, she’s been on the red carpet, she’s been invited to events and the paparazzi have taken pics…and now she’s just trying to make that happen again…A for Effort…

See the article here:
Horse Faced Jessica Lowndes Keeps the Instagram Bikini Shoot Going of the Day

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