How To Treat Sunburn

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As far as treating sunburns are concerned, prevention is the best cure, as treatment may take a longer period in completely getting rid of it. Most of the sunburns are first degree burns that are the affected skin is only red and painful, which can be easily treated with home remedies. However, there are certain conditions where sunburns can cause blisters, peeling and itchiness which can lead to complications. A number of people fail to realize the fact that sunburns can occur even in mild temperature. The term actually means the prolong exposure to sun rays. ‘Ethnic’ Dermatology On The Rise Treat mild sunburn as you would any minor burn injury with cool compresses and analgesic sprays or ointments. If you sustain a severe sunburn (such as those falling asleep while in the sun), immediately take a cool bath or shower. Then apply a mild steroid cream such as hydrocortisone to all areas of the body involved. If blisters are formed, do not puncture them! If the blisters break on their own, gently remove the dead skin fragments with a sterile pair of tweezers. Then apply an antibiotic cream and bandage with a clean dressing which will help protect the wound from infection. Aspirin, ibuprofen or other no steroidal anti-inflammatory medication may be taken several times a day to relieve fever, pain and swelling. If you are allergic to these types of medications, then take either paracetamol or acetaminophen. 3 Things That Ruin Your Skin Make sure your tetanus vaccination is up-to-date. Severe cases of sun and heat exposure can result in high fever, chills, nausea and delirium. In these cases, a doctor should be consulted and possibly admission to a hospital.

How To Treat Sunburn

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