I’ve been wanting to write a My Bieber Experience for so…

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I’ve been wanting to write a My Bieber Experience for so long and I’ve finally been blessed to get the chance to do so. My friend Itze and I have been chasing Justin constantly throughout LA, sometimes catching a glimpse, but never in arms length of him. On September 6, 2013, after 4 years of trying, we swore that if we didn’t find him that night we would give up. Sounds harsh, but we had missed him so many times, we thought maybe it wasn’t meant to be. I read an article earlier that day showing Justin leaving a studio off of Sunset Blvd., and since he had been tweeting about working on music the previous nights, we hoped he would be there again. We got there around 9pm and the place was completely empty. There was a strip club across the street, a Burger King on the corner, and creepy men walking back and forth, so thank God we met a couple of beliebers there and weren’t alone. A couple hours went by and around 11pm we began saying goodbye to our new friends, when suddenly a white car zoomed by us bumping some turn up music into the studio driveway. We started dancing but went completely still when a blacked-out Escalade following it slowed down in front of us. After a few seconds it sped into the driveway too. In total, there were 5 of us, and we were confused but it all changed when Justin’s bodyguard came out, looked around, then said, “You guys, come here.” No second thoughts, we just followed this huge stranger into the studio driveway (which I don’t recommend doing any other day lol). He led us to the gate and told us to wait there. We could see the Escalade on the other side and immediately started hyperventilating. He was in the car, we just knew it. Then Justin came out of the car and was walking towards us with his 2 bodyguards, Khalil & someone else who immediately asked for all our phones. Justin walked through the gate to greet us and said, “What’s up guys? Should I leave my hair down like this or put it to the side?” He flipped his hair and no one said anything. I was so scared that it would turn awkward so I said, “It looks perfect either way.” He looked right at me, and said, “Thank you so much.” I was in shock and couldn’t believe I was talking to Justin. Everyone was still quiet and I didn’t know what to do so I stuck my hand out and said, “I’m Kimberly.” He shook my hand and said, “Nice to meet you Kimberly” and everyone else introduced themselves. He was so nice and we all tried really hard to be cool but we were actually shitting ourselves. The guy who took our phones told us right away that he was going to take our pictures in the order he had our phones, so when it was my turn I walked up to Justin and he flipped his hair again and put his arm around me. The guy was struggling to focus my camera since it was dark out (and Justin said he didn’t want flash) so Justin said something like, “Stupid phone” and laughed a little which shows in my picture. I kinda just stared at him after we took the picture then asked for a hug. Again, it was so surreal. Someone called him and we all just stared at him while he was on the phone for a few minutes. Totally weird but when he hung up someone thanked him for everything he’s done for us and said it was the best day of our lives and he smiled and said, “No, it’s the best day of MY life!” and he hugged her and began to walk back to the gate. We knew he had to go back and record and we didn’t want to seem annoying so we just began gushing, “Thank you’s and Goodbye’s.” I was the last person he walked by before getting last the gate and I asked him if we could take one last picture. I had my phone so I tried taking a selfie with him but my hand was actually shaking and I said “Sorry” out loud and he just smiled and touched my phone screen so it would focus. I said thank you again and he walked away and that was it. We actually met him, talked to him and got hugs. I can’t express how thankful I am for him and his humility and the amazing friends I’ve made because of him. If you ever see this Justin, thank you so much. To any other belieber who has never met him, don’t give up. I had been trying to meet him since ‘09 but it finally happened. Keep trying. It is so worth it in the end. -Kimberly @kimbooooly Continue reading here: I’ve been wanting to write a My Bieber Experience for so…

I’ve been wanting to write a My Bieber Experience for so…

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