I live in New Zealand and I have loved Justin for while now….

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I live in New Zealand and I have loved Justin for while now. When I heard he was coming here, I thought I’d just be able to SEE him let alone MEET him. I have 3 belieber friends: Christie, Liv and Caitlin. We were so dedicated. When Justin announced his North American tour, we even tried to get tickets to see him in concert. I had saved up money for flights and tickets and we woke up at 4:45am our time to buy tickets but we had no luck. We were sad, but when he announced he’d be coming here on his promo tour we flipped out and promised we’d work hard to try see him. I entered about 5 competitions to try and get tickets to his concert but I had no luck. Justin arrived on Wednesday the 18 th  July late at night so we went to his hotel the next day and waited outside his hotel for 7 hours from 8am to 3pm and we were so disappointed when we didn’t see him. We were a bit shaken, but we were determined to see him the next day! My amazing friends on twitter had started a #BiebsMeetIndia campaign and I am beyond thankful for them especially @DazzlingJustin who helped get in contact with Scooter and Kenny for me. I can’t even begin to express how grateful I am!  On Friday 20 th  July, I went into town to wait by his hotel again. I met some amazing beliebers on the way. At around 1pm I checked twitter to find a DM from Kenny Hamilton asking my name and number so I gave it to him and a got a call a few minutes later from a NZ representative working in the hotel. He said I’d have to wait til 3:15pm to meet Justin and I was freaking the eff out by this point! We went around to the front entrance of the hotel at 3:00pm and got rejected by the person outside but the NZ representative called me and said he’d come and get me when Justin was done with interviews. I waited for another hour and he called me and asked what I was wearing and he came out to get me! I was taken into this waiting room and I could hear Justin talking and I could see Allison. I met Kenny and he was so cute and he asked if I was going to faint but I reassured him I wouldn’t! I waited for Justin to finish the current interview and I then went inside to meet him. When I first saw him, it was unbelievable. He is perfect and FLAWLESS. His skin is amazing and his hair and clothes are incredible. He was so nice to me and he looked me in the eyes when we spoke. I hugged him like 4 times and he noticed I was wearing Someday and said I smelled good! Allison talked about #BiebsMeetIndia and they said at first they thought it meant the whole country! She took a picture on Justins phone and then some on mine and Allison said she liked my phone case. Justin showed me his, and he was like, “Look! It looks like a car, but it’s really a transformer!” He was so funny and cute. I was about to leave when Allison said I could sit and watch the interview if I wanted to so I did. He is really well spoken and is completely passionate about what he does. After that interview I went to leave again and Allison asked if I wanted to watch another interview, omg I was SO happy! I watched that and then Justin sat outside to sign posters and Allison asked if I had stuff for him to sign.  I took my friends dvd’s and cd’s to sign although I was hesitant to get him to sign stuff at first because I didn’t want to keep him from his flight. But he kept saying, “Of course, of course I’ll sign your cds!”   He was just so patient and lovely. I gave him New Zealand lollies and Tim Tams and as we were leaving, he hugged me one last time really tight and said, “Don’t stop supporting!” I said I would never and then sort of walked out in a daze. I went outside to find my friends crying and then I heard screaming and he came outside to meet the fans and my friends saw him so I was happy about that! But I am beyond grateful for everything that happened and all my friends on Twitter that helped me achieve this! Kenny has DM’d me twice after this, “Glad I could make your dream come true” and “No problem! Sorry I had to run, but I’m so glad I met you and I’m very happy for you.” This has been the best day of my LIFE and I’m so happy I never gave up. More here: I live in New Zealand and I have loved Justin for while now….

I live in New Zealand and I have loved Justin for while now….

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