I was sitting in class scrolling through Twitter when Justin…

I was sitting in class scrolling through Twitter when Justin finally tweeted about the Australian tour dates coming out. I was freaking out! My friends and I made plans and the day the tickets came on sale we all tried but unfortunately missed out. There were multiple days but we failed to get Sydney tickets and had to split up. I went to Melbourne and was lucky enough to get VIP tickets in the front row. I couldn’t believe that I was actually, legit, getting the opportunity to meet Justin! It didn’t seem real and since I had a lot of school work to do, I tried not to think about it. Coming up to the day of the concert, I was going through a lot and didn’t even want to go to the M&G because I knew it would be over instantly and then my only piece of happiness left would be gone. I flew to Melbourne early that day and went to the arena to pick up the tickets. The lady was like, “Yep 2 tickets” and we screamed because we were meant to have 3. We started panicking and then she checked again and was like, “Oh yes 3, come back to the arena before 5:30.” When we came back, we went and got our wrist bands and got in line. Ryan came into the room and said, “You can go down and watch Cody Simpson but you MUST be back in here by 8:05.” We watched Cody do a few songs and before 8:05, ran back to the room. We walked down the stairs and got in line. The line moved so quickly and before I knew it, it was my turn to meet Justin. I was trying to act calm and walked up to him. He was perfect. So beautiful. We said hello to each other, took the photo, and hugged, thanking him for everything while holding his hand and looking into his eyes. When I walked out of the room it hit me and the tears started. I couldn’t believe I had met my world. We walked back into the arena and got in our seats and waited for the concert. It was amazing! While being in the front row the whole time, Justin looked at us and pointed! At the end of the show, one of the security guards gave me Justin’s drumsticks which I couldn’t believe. The night turned out more perfect than ever and better than I imagined. Justin you are truly wonderful. Thank you so much for everything. You are my everything and I’ll never leave you. -@ibieberabz  Follow this link: I was sitting in class scrolling through Twitter when Justin…

Originally posted here:
I was sitting in class scrolling through Twitter when Justin…

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