Uhhhh, since everyone and their great-grandma is toting a gut full these days, not sure how bid this announcement is going to be for Jessica: Jessica Simpson is preparing to announce to the world that she is pregnant , RadarOnline.com has exclusively learned. After weeks of is-she-or-isn’t-she speculation, a source close to Jessica’s 32-year-old and fiancé Eric Johnson revealed: “It’s still early in the pregnancy, and Jessica has decided to wait before sharing her happiness with her fans. “But she has begun telling family and friends the exciting news.” Johnson’s father, Stephen, was coy when contacted about the pregnancy. “I haven’t heard anything,” Stephen said. “Is she pregnant? How many of you wanna bet she’s going announce the news via Twitter if this is true??? SMH. Read more at Radaronline
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In White Folks News: Jessica Simpson Is Knocked Up And Preparing To Tell The World!