Recent FACEBOOK FRIEND Jasmine Tridevil, is ignoring my requests to do a really amazing photoshoot with her, because I guess she’s getting a lot of attention from the media, for being the girl with three tits….because I guess you can never have too many tits once you get over how disgusting it is… Apparently she paid 20,000 dollars for the tit to emulate Total Recall, in some seriously committed comicon / cosplay that may be a stripper who sees an opportunity to make that 20,000 dollars back in a night as a feature dancer around America, since everyone wants to see this…one you get over how disgusting it is and realize that you can never have too many tits in one bra… What it comes down to…is that she’s from Florida. So it’s kind of expected…
Go here to read the rest:
Jasmine Tridevil and her Triple Tit of the Day