Jennifer Lawrence Brought Her Tits Out at her Premiere of the Day

I think Jennifer Lawrence is overrated on all fronts. Her ridiculously successful career has to be a lie, or a scam, or some fucking lottery win because she plays the same person in every movie… I’ve actually had a conversation with one agent a few years ago asking how someone like Jennifer Lawrence existed, and like any hollywood agent would, he went on a rant about how she’s a natural talent that only comes so many times in a lifetime, and that when you find that, you celebrate it….really believing in is industry and in her….while I was just like “she’s the same person in all the moves she’s in”… My theory is that the producers need a high paid actress to jack up their budgets so they make more, someone they can hype up and build out strategically, making her a pawn…and she still exists, probably making more money than ever, doing all the right movie roles…and promoting them awkwardly… The good news is that what we learned about J.Law, other than her terrible taste in friends, is that with her nude leaks, came awesome tits, tits she hardly reduces herself to showing off, but that made her substantially more important as the most important actress of this generation, even if it’s a manufactured lie, because her tits were great or are great and anyone with great tits gets a pass from me… So here she is with her tits out promoting nonsense she probably doesn’t deserve to be part of – but Hollywood needs girls like her…and at least she’s got the tits to carry her through all those tough roles she plays herself in… TO SEE THE REST OF THE PICS CLICK HERE The post Jennifer Lawrence Brought Her Tits Out at her Premiere of the Day appeared first on .

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Jennifer Lawrence Brought Her Tits Out at her Premiere of the Day

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